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Only approved members of the Debian project (Debian Developers) are granted the permission to upload software packages into the Debian distribution. Still a large number of packages is maintained by non-official developers. How do they get their work into Debian when they are not allowed to upload their own packages directly? By means of a process called sponsorship. Sponsorship means that a Debian Developer uploads the package on behalf of the actual maintainer. The Debian Developer will also check the package for technical correctness and help the maintainer to improve the package if necessary. Therefore the sponsor is sometimes also called a mentor.

Note, not only Debian Developer are allowed to review packages. Everyone is encouraged to review packages! We appreciate your efforts as well.

Getting your package into Debian

See our introductory page for maintainers and learn how to use and get your packages into Debian. Furthermore see our introductory page on sponsorship to learn how to get in touch with a sponsor.

If you are curious about Debexpo, the software which is running this site, you can read more about Debexpo on the Debian Wiki.

Recently uploaded packages


Package Description Version Uploader Needs a sponsor Already in Debian
td-system-tools Metapackage for system information and maintenance tools 2.0.8-1 (unstable) Thomas Dreibholz Yes No
php-elisp PHP Mode for GNU Emacs 1.27.0-1 (unstable) Xiyue Deng Yes Yes
python-atom Memory efficient Python objects (documentation) 0.11.0-1 (unstable) Alexander Sulfrian Yes No


Package Description Version Uploader Needs a sponsor Already in Debian
avocado Set of tools and libraries to help with automated testing 109.0-1 (unstable) Arif Ali Yes No
bibtexconv BibTeX Converter 1.4.3-1 (unstable) Thomas Dreibholz Yes Yes
sfp-master Free software programmer of optical SFP modules for CH341a devices 1.0.6-1 (unstable) Mikhail Medvedev Yes No
kdsingleapplication KDAB's helper class for single-instance policy applications (dev) 1.1.0-1+nmu1 (unstable) Peter Blackman Yes Yes
human-theme-gtk human theme for GTK 2.2.1-1 (experimental) Fabrice Creuzot Yes No
python-radexreader reader for the RADEX RD1212 and ONE Geiger counters (CLI) 1.2.5-1 (experimental) Fabrice Creuzot Yes No
awf-gtk theme preview application for GTK 4 2.8.1-1 (unstable) Fabrice Creuzot Yes Yes
fpart sort file trees and pack them into bags 1.7.0-1 (unstable) martymac Yes Yes

Some days ago

Package Description Version Uploader Needs a sponsor Already in Debian
rsplib RSerPool implementation RSPLIB 3.5.1-2 (unstable) Thomas Dreibholz Yes Yes
redwax-tool Read certificates and keys from your chosen sources, filter the certificates 0.9.9-1 (UNRELEASED) Graham Leggett Yes No
forwords simple and effective tool to learn foreign words 1.0.3-1 (unstable) AlexFomin Yes No
atinout Send AT commands to modem, capture the responses 0.9.1+git20150607.4976a6c-1 (unstable) Jongmin Kim Yes No
gallia Extendable Pentesting Framework 2.0.0a3-1 (UNRELEASED) Stefan Tatschner Yes No
dynmhs Dynamic Multi-Homing Setup (DynMHS) 0.2.0-1 (unstable) Thomas Dreibholz Yes No
rgbds Game Boy assembly toolchain 0.9.1-1 (unstable) Sébastien Noel Yes No

Older packages

Package Description Version Uploader Needs a sponsor Already in Debian
sentrypeer SIP peer to peer honeypot for VoIP 4.0.3-1 (unstable) Gavin Henry Yes No
libhitaki Library to operate ALSA HwDep device for ALSA firewire stack (development files) 0.2.1-4 (unstable) Takashi Sakamoto Yes Yes
libhinoko I/O library for IEEE 1394 isochronous communication (development files) 1.0.3-2 (unstable) Takashi Sakamoto Yes Yes
update-hub Update any package or system with ease! 1.0.0-1 (UNRELEASED)
1.0.0-1 (unstable)
CrypticVerse Yes No
markdown-mode mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files in GNU Emacs 2.6-3 (unstable) Xiyue Deng Yes Yes
hipercontracer High-Performance Connectivity Tracer (HiPerConTracer) 2.0.5-1 (unstable) Thomas Dreibholz Yes Yes
python-simple-pid Simple and easy-to-use PID controller - documentation 2.0.1-1 (unstable) Alexander Sulfrian Yes No
caio Asynchronous file IO for Linux MacOS or Windows 0.9.21-1 (unstable) Yuri Konotopov Yes Yes
clipboard Smart Clipboard Manager 0.10.0-1 (unstable)
0.10.0-1 (UNRELEASED)
Kirill Rekhov Yes No
nginx-snippets Useful, commonly used nginx configuration snippets 1.0 (unstable) Thomas Ward Yes No
aiofile Real asynchronous file operations with asyncio support 3.9.0-1 (unstable) Yuri Konotopov Yes No
libkdumpfile Kernel coredump file access 0.5.5-1 (experimental) Michel Lind Yes Yes
libjs-glightbox GLightbox is a pure javascript lightbox 3.3.1-1 (unstable) Karsten Schöke Yes No
lua-nginx-websocket Lua websocket client driver for the nginx embedded Lua language 0.13-1 (unstable) Laurent Arnoud Yes Yes
pay-respects Press F to correct your command, pay-respects 0.6.13-1 (unstable) Don Xu Yes No
vifm Flexible vi-like file manager using ncurses 0.13-1 (unstable) Kirill Rekhov Yes Yes
batsignal Lightweight battery daemon written in C 1.8.0-1 (unstable) itd Yes No
notifymuch Display desktop notifications for unread mail in notmuch database 0.1~git20151223.0.9d4aaf5-1 (unstable) itd Yes No
vulkanscenegraph 3D vulkan scene graph, shared libs 1.1.10-1 (unstable) Bret Curtis Yes No