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Details about package sosreport

Name: sosreport (PTS)
Uploader: Arif Ali <> (Debian QA page) Marc Leeman <> (Debian QA page)
Description: sosreport - Set of tools to gather troubleshooting data from a system

Package uploads

Upload #4


Version: 4.7.2-1
Uploaded: 2024-07-24 14:39
Source package: sosreport_4.7.2-1.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: admin
Priority: optional


 sosreport (4.7.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * d/control:
     - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the runtime depends.
     - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the build depends:
       Use packaging for version comparison instead of pkg_resources from
     - Add 'python3-yaml' as part of the build depends:
       The new saltstack collect plugin now imports the yaml module, this is
       now required to build and run the sos package.
     - Add 'python3-boto3' to Recommends:
       A new feature for uploading to S3 was implemented and the boto3 module
       is used for this. Although not a hard requirement, but could be useful
       moving forward.
     - Add dep python3-nose and python3-coverage back for nosetests.
     - bump standards version to 4.7.0.
     - lintian: Add Rules-Requires-Root.
     - Maintainer change from Eric to sosreport Team.
     - Add Arif and David as Uploaders.
   * d/rules:
     - Add override_install to copy the sos.conf in the right place for
     - Add nosetests originally that should work. This will be replaced by
       avocado eventually. This is useful to run to ensure that some simple
       set of runs in sos work.
   * d/tests:
     - Remove unnecessary debian tests and files.
     - Update from upstream project and consistency with
   * d/sosreport.links:
     - File removed, as /usr/share/sosreport/sosreport doesn't exist and
       the pointer is a broken symbolic link
   * d/watch:
     - Update to fix issue with error output
   * d/upstream/metadata:
     - Add file as per lintian on mentors
   * Former patches now fixed upstream or resolved:
     - d/p/0004-unittest-assertEquals.patch
     - d/p/0002-debian-do-not-install-usr-config.patch:
       The file is being removed via the install override, also the sos.conf
       file is required, and the patch removes this file too
   * d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch:
     - lintian: Add Forwarded attribute.
   * d/p/0003_man-sos-report.patch:
     - lintian: Add Forwarded attribute.
   * d/p/0004-debian-do-not-install-LICENSE.patch
     - lintian: Add Forwarded attribute.
     - Update based on removal of d/p/0002* patch
   * d/p/0005-man-Fix-man-page-lintian-issues.patch:
     - Add patch to fix lintian issues for man pages, this has also been
       forwarded upstream.
   * Remaining patches:
     - d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch
     - d/p/0003_man-sos-report.patch
     - d/p/0004-debian-do-not-install-LICENSE.patch

QA information


No comments

Upload #3


Version: 4.7.2-1
Uploaded: 2024-07-14 17:54
Source package: sosreport_4.7.2-1.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: admin
Priority: optional


 sosreport (4.7.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * d/control:
     - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the runtime depends.
     - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the build depends:
       Use packaging for version comparison instead of pkg_resources from
     - Add 'python3-yaml' as part of the build depends:
       The new saltstack collect plugin now imports the yaml module, this is
       now required to build and run the sos package.
     - Add 'python3-boto3' to Recommends:
       A new feature for uploading to S3 was implemented and the boto3 module
       is used for this. Although not a hard requirement, but could be useful
       moving forward.
     - Add dep python3-nose and python3-coverage back for nosetests.
     - bump standards version to 4.7.0.
     - lintian: Add Rules-Requires-Root.
     - Maintainer change from Eric to Arif.
     - Add David as co-maintainer in Uploaders.
   * d/copyright:
     - Update copyright based on discussions upstream. Upstream contact is
       new maintainer.
     - All code is now GPL-2+.
     - Remove line for, the copyright of the file is already
       in the header of the plugin.
     - Update year for the debian/* so that it is current
   * d/rules:
     - Add override_install to copy the sos.conf in the right place for
     - Add nosetests originally that should work. This will be replaced by
       avocado eventually. This is useful to run to ensure that some simple
       set of runs in sos work.
   * d/tests:
     - Remove unecessary debian tests and files.
     - Update from upstream project and consistency with
   * Former patches now fixed upstream or resolved:
     - d/p/0004-unittest-assertEquals.patch
     - d/p/0002-debian-do-not-install-usr-config.patch:
       The file is being removed via the install override, also the sos.conf
       file is required, and the patch removes this file too
   * d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch:
     - lintian: Add Forwarded attribute.
     - Make it consistent with downstream.
   * d/p/0003_man-sos-report.patch:
     - lintian: Add Forwarded attribute.
   * d/p/0004-debian-do-not-install-LICENSE.patch
     - lintian: Add Forwarded attribute.
     - Update based on removal of d/p/0002* patch
   * Remaining patches:
     - d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch
     - d/p/0003_man-sos-report.patch
     - d/p/0004-debian-do-not-install-LICENSE.patch

QA information


  1. * newer standards version as per the tracker
    * spelling error is in the patch itself, that's already being forwarded upstream to get resolved.
    * Fixed other items that were from the tracker
    * pbuilder and reprotest was good
    * lintian had some minor issues, and these will be worked with over time
    Ready Arif Ali at July 14, 2024, 6:01 p.m.
  2. Hey Arif,
    Can you submit an RFS bug, so that I cn make the public review that Dds will see and pick it up based upon.
    Ready Phil Wyett at July 14, 2024, 6:49 p.m.
  3. The changelog is not consistent with the last NMU upload;
    Note that there is at least one other NMU that needs to be acknowledge in the changelog.
    Needs work Marc Leeman at July 15, 2024, 7:20 a.m. Package has been uploaded to Debian
  4. I used dget, and downloaded the tarball; copied your changelog from above from salsa, and the difference was my changelog entry, and then acknowledging the NMU for 4.7.1-1.1. Maybe I am missing something?
    Ready Arif Ali at July 15, 2024, 8:53 a.m.
  5. No, it's my fault; I must have used a wrong copy. All fine.
    Ready Marc Leeman at July 18, 2024, 8:45 a.m.
  6. d/changelog: +Copyright: 2007-2024 Upstream
    this doesn't fly, i'm afraid.
    Needs work chris hofstaedtler at July 18, 2024, 7:09 p.m.

Upload #2


Version: 4.7.2-1
Uploaded: 2024-07-13 07:54
Source package: sosreport_4.7.2-1.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: admin
Priority: optional


 sosreport (4.7.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New 4.7.2 upstream release.
   * For more details, full release notes are available here:
   * d/control:
     - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the runtime depends.
     - Add 'python3-packaging' as part of the build depends:
       Use packaging for version comparison instead of pkg_resources from
     - Add 'python3-yaml' as part of the build depends:
       The new saltstack collect plugin now imports the yaml module, this is
       now required to build and run the sos package.
     - Add 'python3-boto3' to Recommends:
       A new feature for uploading to S3 was implemented and the boto3 module
       is used for this. Although not a hard requirement, but could be useful
       moving forward.
     - Add dep python3-nosei and python3-coverage back for nosetests.
     - bump standards version to 4.7.0.
     - Maintainer change from Eric to Arif.
     - Add David as co-maintainer in Uploaders.
   * d/copyright:
     - Update copyright based on discussions upstream. Upstream contact is
       new maintainer.
     - All code is now GPL-2+.
     - Remove line for, the copyright of the file is already
       in the header of the plugin.
   * d/rules:
     - Add override_install to copy the sos.conf in the right place for
     - Add nosetests originally that should work. This will be replaced by
       avocado eventually. This is useful to run to ensure that some simple
       set of runs in sos work.
   * d/tests:
     - Remove unecessary debian tests and files.
     - Update from upstream project and consistency with
   * Former patches now fixed upstream or resolved:
     - d/p/0004-unittest-assertEquals.patch
     - d/p/0002-debian-do-not-install-usr-config.patch
     - d/p/0003_man-sos-report.patch
   * Update patches:
     - d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch:
       Make it consistent with downstream.
   * Remaining patches:
     - d/p/0001-debian-change-tmp-dir-location.patch

QA information


  1. Morning,
    I would like to have an RFS[1] created for this upload with 'X-Debbugs-Cc' being used to CC in the maintainer for their visibility.
    Needs work Phil Wyett at July 13, 2024, 8:41 a.m.
  2. Thanks for the response Phil, I've done a RFS, hopefully the correct way
    Ready Arif Ali at July 13, 2024, 9:18 a.m.
  3. Uploaded
    Ready chris hofstaedtler at July 13, 2024, 9:35 a.m. Package has been uploaded to Debian
  4. RFS has some issues that may need to be addressed in future uploads.
    Phil Wyett at July 13, 2024, 9:48 a.m.
  5. Arif,
    One thing to do, so DDs do look at the package is to toggle to 'Yes' the 'Needs a sponsor' at the top of this page.
    Phil Wyett at July 13, 2024, 11:13 a.m.
  6. Yup, no worries, will do that once I make the relevant changes discussed as well as re basing to the recent upload
    Needs work Arif Ali at July 13, 2024, 11:35 a.m.

Upload #1


Version: 4.7.2-1.1
Uploaded: 2024-06-28 12:54
Source package: sosreport_4.7.2-1.1.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: admin
Priority: optional


 sosreport (4.7.2-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * New upstream version 4.7.2

QA information


  1. Hi Marc,
    The version for this type of NMU should be '-0.1' and not'-1.1', this is why the lintian error below.
     W changelog-file-missing-explicit-entry
        4.7.1-1.1 -> 4.7.2-1 (missing) -> 4.7.2-1.1 [debian/changelog:1]
    Phil Wyett at June 28, 2024, 2:14 p.m.
  2. fixed, sent a new upload.
    Ready Marc Leeman at June 28, 2024, 2:24 p.m.