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Details about package fvwm3

Name: fvwm3 (PTS)
Uploader: Jaimos Skriletz <> (Debian QA page)
Description: fvwm3 - F(?) Virtual Window Manager

Package uploads

Upload #3


Version: 1.1.0+ds-1
Uploaded: 2024-07-25 18:09
Source package: fvwm3_1.1.0+ds-1.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: x11
Priority: optional
Closes bugs: #1074975


 fvwm3 (1.1.0+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * Refresh patches.
   * Bump standards to 4.7.0.
     - Update comment for how x-window-manager priority is computed.
   * Update obsolete build depends, pkg-config -> pkgconf.
   * Remove debian/desktop/fvwm3.desktop in favor of upstream file.
   * Build html docs, and move them to /usr/share/doc/fvwm3/htmldoc.
   * Update debian/copyright to correctly state the main license is
     GPL-2+, and document the copyright and licenses for source in libs/
     which are not GPL-2+.
   * Add ${perl:Depends} to the depends package list.
   * Upstream version fixes gcc-14 build issue (Closes: #1074975).
   * Remove trailing slash from Files-Excluded.

QA information


No comments

Upload #2


Version: 1.1.0+ds-1
Uploaded: 2024-06-07 22:24
Source package: fvwm3_1.1.0+ds-1.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: x11
Priority: optional


 fvwm3 (1.1.0+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * Refresh patches.
   * Update obsolete build depends, pkg-config -> pkgconf.
   * Remove debian/desktop/fvwm3.desktop in favor of upstream file.
   * Build html docs, and move them to /usr/share/doc/fvwm3/htmldoc.
   * Update debian/copyright to correctly state the main license is
     GPL-2+, and document the copyright and licenses for source in libs/
     which which are not GPL-2+.

QA information


  1. Hi Jaimos,
    Many thanks for the additional work to the package.
    I will email one of my sponsors to ask if they wish to do the final review and possible upload of this submission.
    Note: If any other DD wishes to pick the package and sponsor it, that would be fantastic.
    Ready Phil Wyett at June 8, 2024, 5:11 p.m.
  2. Hi Jaimos,
    While waiting for a Debian Developer (DD) to come forward to sponsor and if you have the time. Yo may wish to look at the below or note to look at in the future.
    dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package fvwm3: substitution variable ${perl:Depends} unused, but is defined
    W: fvwm3: copyright-refers-to-deprecated-bsd-license-file
    W: fvwm3: spelling-error-in-changelog which which (duplicate word) which [usr/share/doc/fvwm3/changelog.Debian.gz]
    I: fvwm3: spelling-error-in-binary wTH with [usr/bin/fvwm3]
    I: fvwm3: spelling-error-in-binary wTH with [usr/libexec/fvwm3/1.1.0/FvwmMFL]
    philwyett@ks-windu:~/Development/builder/debian/mentoring/fvwm3-1.1.0+ds$ lrc
    en: Versions: recon 1.10.1  check 3.3.9-1
    Parsing Source Tree  ....
    Reading copyright    ....
    Running licensecheck ....
    d/copyright     | licensecheck
    GPL-2+          | GPL              doc/fvwm3_manpage_source.adoc
    GPL-2+          | GPL-2            doc/fvwm-menu-desktop.adoc
    GPL-2+          | NTP~disclaimer   fvwm/screen.h
    GPL-2+          | GPL-2+ and/or NTP libs/Flocale.c
    BSD-3-clause    | ISC              libs/log.c
    GPL-2+          | BSD-3-clause     libs/queue.h
    GPL-2+          | GPL-2+ with Bison-2.2 exception modules/FvwmScript/script.c
    GPL-2+          | GPL-2+ with Bison-2.2 exception modules/FvwmScript/script.h
    Check for validity or false positive in 'debian/copyright' over time. You have done much work in this area already.
    Phil Wyett at June 22, 2024, 11:32 a.m.
  3. I added a few more updates. There is also a bug that needs a newer version uploaded to build with gcc-14.
    I: fvwm3: spelling-error-in-binary wTH with [usr/bin/fvwm3]
    This is a false positive, it occurs with trixie/sid libraries, but not with bookworm libraries. I am just ignoring it hoping it will fix itself with a future library change.
    I am also leaving some of that copyright stuff alone, I did fix the stuff you found in libs, but a few of those are false positives and I will work with upstream to resolve them.
    Still waiting on a sponsor to upload the changes.
    Ready Jaimos Skriletz at July 19, 2024, 2:20 p.m.

Upload #1


Version: 1.1.0+ds-1
Uploaded: 2024-03-30 19:46
Source package: fvwm3_1.1.0+ds-1.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: x11
Priority: optional


 fvwm3 (1.1.0+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * Refresh patches.
   * Update obsolete build depends, pkg-config -> pkgconf.
   * Remove debian/desktop/fvwm3.desktop in favor of upstream file.
   * Build html docs, and move them to /usr/share/doc/fvwm3/htmldoc.

QA information


  1. Hi,
    Many thanks for taking the time to package this application.
    Package builds perfect, the only issues I see is with 'debian/copyright'. Running 'lrc' against the tree I get the below.
    Parsing Source Tree  ....
    Reading copyright    ....
    Running licensecheck ....
    d/copyright     | licensecheck
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           bin/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           bin/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           bin/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           bin/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           bin/fvwm-root.c
    GPL-2           | GPL              doc/fvwm3_manpage_source.adoc
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/add_window.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/bindings.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/borders.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/builtins.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/cmdparser_old.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/colormaps.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/colormaps.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/colorset.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/conditional.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/condrc.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/cursor.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/decorations.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/events.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/ewmh.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/ewmh_conf.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/ewmh_events.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/ewmh_icons.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/ewmh_names.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/execcontext.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/expand.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/focus.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/focus_policy.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/frame.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/functable.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/functable_complex.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/functions.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/fvwm3.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/geometry.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/icccm2.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/icons.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/infostore.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/menubindings.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/menucmd.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/menudim.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/menugeometry.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/menuitem.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/menus.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/menustyle.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/misc.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/modconf.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/module_interface.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/module_list.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/move_resize.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/placement.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/read.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/schedule.c
    GPL-2           | NTP~disclaimer   fvwm/screen.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/session.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/stack.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/style.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/update.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/virtual.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/windowlist.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           fvwm/windowshade.c
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/asprintf.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/BidiJoin.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Bindings.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/charmap.c
    GPL-2           | Expat            libs/cJSON.c
    GPL-2           | Expat            libs/cJSON.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/ClientMsg.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Colorset.c
    GPL-2           | LGPL-2+          libs/ColorUtils.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/CombineChars.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Cursor.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/envvar.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Event.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FBidi.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FEvent.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Fft.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FGettext.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Ficonv.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FImage.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/fio.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/flist.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+ and/or NTP libs/Flocale.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FlocaleCharset.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/fqueue.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FRender.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FRenderInit.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FScreen.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FShape.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/fsm.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/FTips.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/fvwmlib3.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/fvwmrect.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/fvwmsignal.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/getpwuid.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/getpwuid.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Grab.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Graphics.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/gravity.c
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/log.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/modifiers.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Module.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Parse.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/PictureBase.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Picture.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/PictureGraphics.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/PictureImageLoader.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/PictureUtils.c
    GPL-2           | BSD-3-clause     libs/queue.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Rectangles.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/setpgrp.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Strings.c
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/strlcat.c
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/strlcat.h
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/strlcpy.c
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/strlcpy.h
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/strtonum.c
    GPL-2           | ISC              libs/strtonum.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/System.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/Target.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/timeout.c
    GPL-2           | BSD-2-clause     libs/tree.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/wcontext.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/wild.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/WinMagic.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/XError.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           libs/XResource.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmAnimate/FvwmAnimate.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmAuto/FvwmAuto.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmBacker/FvwmBacker.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmBacker/FvwmBacker.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmBacker/root_bits.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/button.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/draw.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/dynamic.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/FvwmButtons.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/icons.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/icons.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/misc.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/misc.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/output.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/parse.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmButtons/parse.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmConsole/FvwmConsole.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmConsole/FvwmConsoleC.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmConsole/getline.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmEvent/FvwmEvent.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmForm/FvwmForm.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmForm/ParseCommand.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmForm/ReadXServer.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/debug.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/functions.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/fvwm.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/FvwmIconMan.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/globals.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/readconfig.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/winlist.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/x.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIconMan/xmanager.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmIdent/FvwmIdent.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmPager/FvwmPager.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmPager/x_pager.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmPerl/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmRearrange/FvwmRearrange.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/FvwmScript.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Instructions.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/scanner.l
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+ with Bison-2.2 exception modules/FvwmScript/script.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+ with Bison-2.2 exception modules/FvwmScript/script.h
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/script.y
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/CheckBox.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/HDipstick.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/HScrollBar.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/ItemDraw.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/List.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/Menu.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/MiniScroll.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/PopupMenu.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/PushButton.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/RadioButton.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/Rectangle.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/Swallow.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/TextField.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/Tools.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/VDipstick.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/VScrollBar.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           modules/FvwmScript/Widgets/Widget.c
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Module/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Module/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Tracker/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Tracker/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Tracker/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Tracker/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Tracker/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/FVWM/Tracker/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/General/
    GPL-2           | GPL-2+           perllib/General/
    I have looked at a few and indeed a lot of the files are GPL-2+. Please could you have a bit of an audit and update the 'debian/copyright' file where appropriate.
    Needs work Phil Wyett at May 24, 2024, 3:01 p.m.
  2. Hi Phil,
    Thanks for pointing that out. I updated the main license, and documented some of the various licenses that are used in 'libs/'. The changes are in upload #2.
    Ready Jaimos Skriletz at June 7, 2024, 10:26 p.m.