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Details about package rabbitremotecontrol

Name: rabbitremotecontrol
Uploader: Kang Lin <> (Debian QA page)
Description: rabbitremotecontrol - Rabbit Remote Control

Package uploads

Upload #1


Version: 0.0.26
Uploaded: 2024-01-19 08:55
Source package: rabbitremotecontrol_0.0.26.dsc
Distribution: unstable
Section: main
Priority: optional


 rabbitremotecontrol (0.0.26) unstable; urgency=medium
     * App: add favorite in favorite dock widget
     * Modify translations
     * App: add title menu in CFavoriteView
     * App: add title menu when list connect from is dock widget
     * App: Enable action in list connect from
     * Fix typo
     * Modify docments
     * FreeRDP: install FreeRDP dynamic libraries
     * VNC: modify sigUpdateRect(img)
     * Client: add void sigUpdateRect(const QImage& image);
     * doc: Modify doxygen documents
     * FreeRDP: modify OnClean()
     * CI: modify ci
     * doc: Modify docuemnts
     * Modify qt6 compile warn
     * Client: move sigConnected and sigDisConnected to ConnectThread::run() when connect is bloack
     * Plugins::LibVNCServer: add check error
     * Plugins::LibVNCServer: Modify CRLF to LF
     * Plugins::LibVNCServer: fix update desktop bug
     * CMake: disable service and terminal
     * docs: modify documents to add sourceforget htdocs
     * Client: add sigDisConnect
     * App: modify full screen
     * Modify log
     * App::Client: add keep aspect ratio zoom in full screen toolbar
     * docs: modify compile documents
     * FreeRDP: fix cb_desktop_resize bug
     * FreeRDP: modify only view
     * Terminal: Replace RabbitCommon::CDir::GetOpenFileName with QFileDialog::getOpenFileName
     * doc: modify compile documents
     * FreeRDP: add edit screen resolution
     * FreeRDP: fix press the left and right mouse buttons at the same time BUG
     * FreeRDP: modify mulitimon screen
     * FreeRDP: modify locale screen size
     * FreeRDP: check audio device
     * Modify typo
     * doc: Modify compile documents
     * FreeRDP: modify reconnect
     * FreeRDP: remove OnTerminateEventHandler
     * FreeRDP: modify follow
     * FreeRDP: use Lambda replease call back function
     * FreeRDP: modify init
     * Add comments
     * Modify Change log
     * App::Client: modify style menu
     * App::Client: modify full screen
     * CI: disable libvncserver and tigervnc
     * Plugin: check host
     * LibVNCServer: modify input password
     * Plugins: modify view password
     * TigerVNC: modify input password
     * RabbitVNC: modify input password
     * FreeRDP: modify input password
     * Modify load translations
     * FreeRDP: add freerdp log callback function
     * VNC: modify proess exception
     * Modify postinst
     * Client: modify CParameterConnecter
     * FreeRDP: modify logon error
     * FreeRDP: modify certificate prompt
     * FreeRDP: add ChooseSmartcard callback function
     * App: Fix on_actionTabBar_B_toggled bug
     * FreeRDP: modify verify certificate
     * FreeRDP: add AuthenticateEx call back function
     * Client: add CConnecter::sigShowMessage() signal
     * VNC: modify exception
     * App::Client: add use message box to display error information
     * FreeRDP::Client: modify logon
     * App: add show icon and tooltip in tab view
     * App::Client: add ToolTip in View
     * FreeRDP: add gateway message
     * Client: - add name prefix - add only show IP:PORT in name
     * FreeRDP: fix server name
     * CI: modify ubuntu.yml to add xcb dependencies
     * Client: fix clear background in CFrmViewer
     * FreeRDP::Client: add cb_authenticate_ex
     * FreeRDP::Client: add GetTitle
     * CI: modify msvc.yml
     * FreeRDP: Fix reconnet parameter
     * Replace RabbitCommon::CDir::GetOpenFileName with QFileDialog::getOpenFileName etc
     * CI: modify android.yml
     * CI: modify ci
     * Add work.png
     * Android: modify AndroidManifest.xml
     * App::Client: Modify menu bar
     * FIX list connects windows icon
     * CI: modify ci
     * Add main menu status
     * Fix system tray icon
     * App::Client: modify menu
     * Modify RabbitRemoteControl_logqt.ini
     * CI: update vcpkg to 1286cac8751e13bb289061b7e3b89eb4c3f613a2
     * CI: FIX qtwebengine
     * CI: modify ubuntu.yml
     * Add CPluginClient::Details
     * Modify RabbitRemoteControl_logqt.ini
     * CI: modify vcpkg
     * CI: modify qt version 6.5.0 to 6.5.1
     * Add cmake status
     * Modify
     * Client: modify eventfilter for Key_meta
     * Client: modify windows hook
     * Modify log
     * CI: use freerdp2
     * Modify ci
     * Server: modify log
     * App: modify log menu
     * Fix RabbitRemoteControl_VERSION_REVISION
     * Plugins::FreeRDP::Client: set redirection sound type initial
     * CI: modify ubuntu.yml
     * Fix typo
     * App::Client: add plugin information in about diaglog
     * Modify RabbitCommon
     * Use RabbitCommon v2
     * CI: modify ci
     * Log: modify terminal log
     * Modify comments
     * Client: modify native event filter, but it is fail
     * Modify log
     * Client: Fix tab key event
     * FIX: RabbitRemoteControl_logqt.ini
     * CI: add code spell
     * Modify dock widget menu
     * CI: add reusable workflow
     * FreeRDP: modify mouse
     * FreeRDP: add rdpClientContext in FreeRDP 3
     * FreeRDP: modify log
     * Log: rename RabbitRemoteControl_logqt.conf to RabbitRemoteControl_logqt.ini
     * App::Client: set default select
     * CI: modify freerdp version
     * CI: modify ubuntu.yml
     * Modify CMakeLists.txt
     * Modify postrm
     * Use GET_VERSION
     * CI: remove log4qt
     * Log: add qt log configure file
     * Channel: modify CMakeLists.txt
     * App::Client: modify log
     * CI: add .gtlab-ci.yml and Dockerfile
     * Fix: Fixed a bug where the correct dependency library could not be loaded when there were different versions of the dependency library under Linux.
     * App::Client: add revision
     * CI: update cache
     * CI: modify github release
     * Client::Terminal: remove Q_INIT_RESOURCE
     * Client: modify parameter
     * App::Client: modify dock widget layout
     * App::Client: add recent menu status tip
     * Modify to debian/changelog
     * Docs: Modify .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
     * App::Client: add refresh button in CFrmListConnects
     * CI: Update appveyor.yml
     * App::Client: modify recent menu
     * Documents: Modify doxygen
     * App::Client: rename CFrmOpenConnect to CFrmListConnects
     * App::Client: modify toolbar in MainWindow
     * Client: Modify CConnecter::Description() format
     * App::Client: modify fouce in FrmOpenConnect
     * Client: Add EnumPlugins lambda callback function in C++11
     * Modify README
     * Modify debian package
     * Modify change log
     * VNC: Fix ice bug
     * App::Client: Add new in open connect dialog
     * App::Client: modify table view to resize to contents
     * Modify documents
     * Plugin: Automatically detach ports from server addresses
     * Plugins::FreeRDP: add redirection sound type
     * Plugins::LibVNCServer: Fix eye icon theme bug
     * App::Client: add open the dialog of settings connect
     * Client: modify parameters
     * CI: Modify release body
     * FreeRDP::Client: add redirection - Sound - Microphone - Drive - Printer
     * FreeRDP: modify CMakeLists.txt
     * Modify ci
     * Modify comments
     * FIX: updater bug
     * CI: update vcpkg version to 6adca01a3fadca0cc0b80f03ec57c7c3a0be5c02
     * App::Client: use RabbitCommon::CTools::OpenLogFile()
     * FreeRDP: update freerdp_input_send_keyboard_event_ex
     * CI: modify msvc.yml
     * Modify comments
     * CI: modify doxygen.yml
     * CI: updater vcpkg version to 94ce0dab56f4d8ba6bd631ba59ed682b02d45c46
     * App: modify debug info for language
     * Modify CMakeLists.txt
     * Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
     * CI: disable VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS
     * CI: FreeRDP version update to 2ad14696124b5a7689a323f56859efb329a3d25c
     * Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
     * CI: modify updater
     * App::Client: Modify prompt for the password encryption type
     * Modify appveyor.yml
     * FreeRDP: Modify clipboard
     * FreeRDP: update freerdp version to 2ad14696124b5a7689a323f56859efb329a3d25c
     * Modify RabbitRemoteControl.conf
     * FreeRDP: modify clipboard change signal
     * FreeRDP: FIX clipboard copy file
     * Client: modify connecter id
     * Modify debug configure
     * Plugins::TigerVNC::Client: FIX setting diaglog
     * Rename to
     * CI: modify appveyor.yml
     * CI: update release to Qt6.2.4
     * FIX: HookUnix build fail in Qt6
     * Modify CI
     * CMake: add REQUIRED in find_package
     * CMake: FIX cmake configure error in App::Service
     * Modify cmake min version
     * Client: modify icon in Client/DlgInputPassword.ui
     * App: add item icon in favorite
     * Update doxygen.yml

QA information


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